Category Archives: Bandwidth

The wireless data crunch

The Globe and Mail reported today that wireless carriers, especially in the US are beginning to feel the demand for bandwidth, and that Canada will soon experience the same demand.  Carriers are responding by putting caps on their unlimited plans, and slowing down bandwidth to those users who exceed 5 Gbytes a month, which is the equivalent to 2 full length Hollywood movie downloads.

US encouraging higher bandwidths

“Dramatically increasing Internet speeds to 25 times the current average one of many goals to be unveiled by FCC in the US.” (The Globe and Mail, March 15-10)

Technology for higher bandwidths available

Cisco has introduced a new router that “could deliver every movie ever made in four minutes over the Internet. The product is aimed at telecommunications operators, which have to constantly upgrade their networks to serve surging Internet use, driven by popular smart phones.” (Reuters, Mar 9-10)

“Some fear that should the 3G version of the iPad prove a blockbuster hit, it could test AT&T’s network, already under severe strain in some markets from heavy iPhone Web usage. AT&T has said it is now investing heavily to upgrade its network.”  (CP, April 6-10)