Monthly Archives: May 2010

Facebook and Music: a new dictatorship?

“the key to the digital music future is a service that can do the best job of not only delivering the music that users want to hear, but to introduce users to new music that they don’t know they like yet, and monetize the entire process. To do that, services need to know what kind of music you like in order to recommend other things you may also like.”

“Facebook’s Open Graph has the opportunity to provide this level of insight.” 

 “The music industry knows all too well what happens when a partner has too much power. Look at iTunes.”

Streaming services sees preference for mobile streaming

Streaming services such as Spotify who are trying to determine where they can make the most money from their service are seeing a higher demand for “multi-platform” access, which includes smartphones, for which they can charge a paid “premium” rate, as opposed to the free access “freemium” rate.

“Take multi-platform access, such as how Spotify makes users who want mobile access via their smartphone apps pay. Kumaran said users paying for multi-platform access use the service on average three times more than as those who don’t.”

@Web 2.0 Expo: Web Community Discusses Freemium Model