
There is a tsunami of content demand for smartphones barreling down on us, motivated by the growing numbers of people buying these devices and connecting to providers via wireless or WiFi looking for content to inform, entertain and socialize.

The music world has a chance to ride the crest of this wave, and depending on how it responds to the emerging technology and if this demand becomes sustained, there could well be a resurging potential for making money in this business once again.  Since none of the current models for earning revenue are working very well, the field is open for a game-changing new way to entice people to part with their entertainment dollars in support of musicians.

At the moment, the Internet is like a giant flea market. Will a model that enables independent artists to thrive emerge, or will a select group of powerful companies take control of this realm and once again shape how the consumer experiences their music? Or will it continue to morph along as it has since the beginning, with Velvet Elvis’s munged together with Picasso’s, all competing for attention on an equal footing, and none of these having a strong impact on culture?

For a glimpse of what the future of how we access music might look like, goto http://radio3.cbc.ca/, the world’s COOLEST streaming music service.  Made in Canada.

This blog follows reported news on emerging new digital media technologies of relevance to the music industry.

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